Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Opening My Hands

Recently a verse has been running through my mind but I didn't stop to look it up until I ran across the reference in my BSF notes this morning. Luke 12:48 says this: "... the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." 

I have been given much. I do not make this statement to take pride in any accomplishments, rather to acknowledge the opportunities and experiences I have been allowed to have. As a result of the country and family I was born into, the people who have pointed and are pointing me to Jesus Christ, the discipline that was given to me, the ethics and morals that have been instilled in me, the education I have received and am receiving, the guidance, conviction and encouragement of the Holy Spirit, the accessibility to the Word of God, the prayer support of consistent and loving grandparents, the financial provision of parents who supply for my needs and then continue to give abundantly, the excellent biblical teaching I have received and am receiving, and so much more has made me into a far from perfect but nonetheless faithful follower of God and a healthy, capable, responsible individual. 

In my 22 years of life, I have had it pretty easy. I have never been in want of food, shelter or clothing, never had to fear abusive parents or watch them waste their life away on alcohol, never had to experience the pain of my parents getting a divorce or the loss of an immediate family member. It is often easy for me to kick back in my suburban home and eat from the abundance in our kitchen, sleep the hours away in a cozy bed, bask in the comfort of a warm house and hot showers, entertain myself from a wealth of books, access to any genre of music, the internet, Cable TV and multiple movies and forget about the atrocious suffering that many in my city, country and world are experiencing during my oblivious moments. 

I have been given much and much will be demanded of me. In I Peter 2:9 I find what is demanded of me: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I am a chosen, royal, holy child of God. He beckons me to dedicate myself to Him and open my hands that He may fill them with His work. 

I am opening my hands and looking to God to fill them. Please pray with me that God will give me the courage to only do the work He places in them. 


RosebudWitt said...

All I can say is, I love this.

mmncgrand said...

Nicole you are so precious to me. It is a privilege for Grandpa and I to pray for you. We will pray that God will fill your hands with all that is pure and holy. I am so glad you are his child and desiring to serve him. Have fun in FL. Give those two BIG hugs from us.

marcuswitt said...

Wow Nicole! What amazing insight. I have heard that verse many times, but often thought of it in the context of tithing, and strictly as it pertains to money - as far as determining "who is given much." What a great application to the rest of the things we have been given. Love you and can't wait to see you in a few days.

Nicole said...

Thanks for the comments and prayers! Looking forward to seeing you, Mark and Rosie in about 48 hours!