It's hard to call Colorado home at this point. For one thing, I've just been here slightly over a week. But what really makes it feel like some temporary diversion is not having a job. Obviously, the solution here is to obtain a job. But to obtain a job, I would have to search for one. This really hasn't sounded like much fun. Therefore I've been dragging my feet about starting this task. I didn't feel a need to start looking the moment I got out, plus Mom and I had people to see and things to do those first four days. And when Wednesday rolled around, I wanted to just relax and get used to the idea of being in Colorado. I decided Thursday would be the day I got serious about this job search. But...
Jill invited me to join her for lunch with her boyfriend and his dad. Someone gave me a bit of advice to never turn down an invitation in the first couple of months after my move. So, following this tidbit, I went with. Besides, lunch sounded much more interesting that looking for jobs. After lunch, Jill and I ended up doing one of my favorite activities... thrift store shopping! I ended up hitting the jack pot at one particular store,
the Arc.
Brenda Dodgen has some of the most amazing quilts I've ever felt in my life, they use them all the time and are therefore perfectly worn, providing a sensationally soft touch. I've been threatening to steal one but decided that wouldn't be so nice. You would think an old, worn quilt wouldn't be too difficult to find at an antique or thrift store. But as often as I frequent these places, I have had no luck... until Wednesday. It was at the Arc that I found two delightfully worn, soft quilts. However, they are a little too worn in some spots, so I may have to cut them both up and piece together the worn but not too worn pieces to get one quilt or just use them for various projects.
But in the meantime, it makes a nice compliment to the little corner of country in the city by the backyard chickens.