Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Stand Corrected

A few posts down I called my favorite Arizona tree with the little yellow fuzz balls a mesquite tree and I must confess that information is incorrect. Upon trying to do a bit of research to discover some of its unique attributes and uses, I could not find a mesquite that had the little fuzz balls. Today Uncle Bill and I sneezed at the brutal 89 degrees and took a visit to the Arizona Desert Museum where I found out that the tree is actually a sweet acacia, which is also part of the legume family. 

Some interesting uses for the tree are headache relief, aid in the healing of wounds, mending broken pottery, treating pink eye, styling hair and soothing sore throats. While researching mesquite trees a few days ago, I found a great recipe to cure headaches at this site. (Scroll down to last paragraph of "Mesquites as Botanical Friends") Perhaps the headache ointment made from sweet acacia is similar. 

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the Desert Museum today:

Century Agave Cactus
Prickly Pear Cactus
Ocotillo Cactus
Prickly Pear Cactus
A cactus with a flower - I think it's a Cholla Cactus


RosebudWitt said...

You are turning into quite the skilled photographer! I am very impressed. I am surprised that it is already 89 out there too. Its about mid 70's here. We need to chat again...more updates just went down last night :)

mmncgrand said...

I didn't know that catcus was so beautiful. I am glad you are getting to see such sights. I am going to check out that headache site. I sure have a doosey today.