Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Bit of Trivia

The person who can give the correct answer to the following three questions will be given the opportunity to choose the next Country in the Spotlight or a post entirely customized to your desires - I will research and write on the topic of your choosing. This offer expires in two weeks (March 5, 2009 at 2:34pm EST). Don't miss out on your chance to win big!

Question #1: Who was the first person to refer to a coward as a "chicken"?

Question #2: What four colors did I dye my hair during my 19th year of life?

Question #3: Which city has more miles of canal than Venice, Italy?


mmncgrand said...

Boy, I don't think I know the answers to any of the questions. I know you dyed your hair red for sure, maybe the others were brown and blue??????

Nicole said...

You're on the right track, Grandma. You may find Google to be helpful with the other two questions.