Friday, March 5, 2010

Wishing You A Non-cornball Day!

One of the things I love about graphic design is that I get to research. And when research happens, wonderful tidbits are learned! Like today, I am doing some research on the classic game of jacks (I'm working on a packaging design) and I came across these words: platitudinous and cornball. Please try not to have a cornball day by saying platitudinous words. I recommend paying a visit to just to listen to the pronunciation of platitudinous.

My post was looking a little bland so I decided to put a picture on here for you all. When I typed in "platitudinous" and looked at images, Obama's face appeared. Perhaps he says too many platitudinous things.


mmncgrand said...

I didn't see a picture. What was i suppose to do to get it? Are you in South Bend now?

Nicole said...

I think I must have copy and pasted the first image and that just didn't work out. You shouldn't have had to do anything to see it. Yes, I am in South Bend now and it is wonderful!

mmncgrand said...

I never expected to see Obama on your blog. It was startling when I looked at your blog this morning.

Nicole said...

Well did you happen to notice why there is a picture of him? You have to check out the definition of "platitudinous" to understand that I have not become an Obama supporter!