Friday, March 27, 2009

Beautiful Black Lines

I was just turning on my computer to grab a little info needed for my internship application when I stumbled upon a wonderful discovery - three beautiful black lines on my navigation bar or whatever it's called informed me that I am reaping the benefits of someone's wireless internet connection! 

You may have wondered if I had decided to give up on blogging due to my severe lack of posts.  I am sorry to have left you devoid of a bit of mental stimulation for the past month. Here is my excuse for my dormant blog: I haven't been able to get on-line with my computer up till now which means I couldn't post any pictures and Uncle Bill's connection is putsy and I've been too impatient to even think of posting from his computer. But now that I have found my free and convenient internet connection in the extra bedroom, I will try to keep you more informed!

For starters, I'll share a bit of knowledge Uncle Bill learned tonight and shared with 
me. However, after doing a bit of research on Wikipedia just now, I am seeing that the tidbit he shared with me may be false. But I'll give you this little nugget of knowledge and let you decide who you want to trust. Uncle Bill told me that the word "golf" began from the acronym "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden" but Wikipedia says this is merely folk etymology. 


Deb said...

I for one am not offended that ladies should be forbidden to play golf, so I'll agree with Uncle Bill.

Matt and Sonya said...

Ha ha! I'm with mom. I don't mind either. It's good for men to have their own sport...and they can have that one ALL to themselves. For that matter, give them fishing too! :)

Nicole said...

I would agree, men can have golf all to themselves!

RosebudWitt said... are hilarious Nicole. I would have to agree with the rest of you ladies, but that might simply be because I don't play golf and I probably suck at it. I might think differently if I actually knew how to play :) Like our friend Lizzy who was an NCAA champ in Golf, would probably think differently :)

mmncgrand said...

Don't know what to say here. I know a lot of ladies that enjoy golf but I am not one and don't plan on it in the near future. Buy, who knows!! Glad to have you back on your blog Nicole. I enjoy hearing from you - like Rosie said - you are hilarious!! Keep them coming!