Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Peace

This past Sunday I paid a visit to the International Anglican Church here in the Springs. I had found it while still back in Indy as I scoured Google Maps for gems in my new neighborhood. I'd never been to an Anglican church before but after looking through their website, I didn't see anything I disagreed with and I found it very exciting that they were a church plant from Rwanda. And as it's in walking distance to my new home, I saw no reason not to go. So I did. 

It was a good experience, I enjoyed the liturgical aspects and sermon on daily worship. While there were no hymns accompanied by the saw, banjo or harmonica, there was one thing that brought a smile to my face and reminded me a bit of Redeemer... the pastor's Birks were tossed beneath a pew as he preached his sermon barefoot.

After the sermon we sung a song, had a lengthy prayer and then were told to greet one another in peace. So I shook a few hands and moseyed my way on out the door. I thought it somewhat strange that there was no mass exodus but figured this is good, these people just like each other and want to visit. But later that afternoon I was feeling suspicious. I remembered that I had seen communion set out up front but had no memory of taking communion. And an offertory... nope, don't remember that happening either. Did I really leave before the service was over? So I pulled out my bulletin to take a look see. Sure enough, I had headed out during The Peace and missed communion and the offertory.

Guess The Peace is not the time to peace out!


Matt and Sonya said...

ha ha. This is hilarious, Nicole. Totally something I would do. Oops!

Nicole said...

I know, pretty smooth, huh?!

mmncgrand said...

I like your new blog. The fish are so cute.How are you anyhow?

Nicole said...

Thanks! Clicking on each post was to view the whole thing was getting a little old.