Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just A Bit Of Research

I'm doing a little research on logos tonight and I came across a little quote about research from this book called Design Matters: Logos. I thought it was kind of clever. But I'll let you read it for yourself so you can make your own opinion.

"Once upon a pancake, people insisted the world was flat. Then someone did a little research. With just a whip of curiosity and a dab of exploration, the world swelled into a rotund, complicated, souffle of possibilities. Research, it seems, literally made the world go round."


Deb said...

cute Nicole. Just like you to find a quote on how food makes the world go round!

Nicole said...

Pretty good, huh?! I do love me some food.

mmncgrand said...

You and Grandpa and food, especially sweets. He is doing very good though on rethinking what he eats. Pray for him.